The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Are we close to Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem? If we are, the events leading up to Christ's kingdom are even closer.  Biblical prophecy tells us before Christ's one-thousand-year reign is the rapture of the church, the rule of the Antichrist, and the seven-year tribulation period. The Bible calls certain events signs of … Continue reading The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Judgment Is Coming

Jeremiah 30:7 calls it "the time of Jacob's trouble." The prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 causes us to use the term "Daniel's 70th week." It is called "the day of the Lord" thirty-one times in twenty-nine verses throughout the Bible. It will be the most horrific time in history (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1; Joel 2:2). The … Continue reading Judgment Is Coming

What Is Armageddon?

A word used too loosely nowadays is Armageddon. It seems like anything big or significant and unpleasant is some sort of "mageddon" event, such as snowmageddon and retail-mageddon. The recent threat of nuclear war has brought the idea of Armageddon happening to mainstream thinking. A global nuclear war would be the worst event thus far … Continue reading What Is Armageddon?

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

We are just past the halfway point of 2020, and if nothing else happened this year, it would still go down as one of the strangest years in history. The best word to describe it, I believe, is "uncertainty." People are uncertain about their health, the economy, social reform, the nation, the world. Christians around … Continue reading The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Equality Under The Law – God’s Law

Most people have a misconception about God's law. We know that no one is perfect, but after that fact, two general beliefs prevail. First, overall if we do the right and stay away from wrong as much as possible, we will have achieved God's favor. Second, there is a line, and if we cross it, … Continue reading Equality Under The Law – God’s Law