Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God

I Pray The Answer Is Not What I Think It Is.

The technological differences stand out more than anything else when thinking of yesteryear. But let us set technology aside and look at how things have changed. I was a kid in the 1960s and a teenager in the 1970s, so my vantage point comes from that period. The school year ran from Labor Day until … Continue reading I Pray The Answer Is Not What I Think It Is.

Trust – Where Are You?

We have reached a time in our country when trust is nearly nonexistent. As a Pastor, from time to time, I will counsel married couples. Any problem can be solved if trust is still in play. Once either person loses faith in the other, it is a long, hard road returning to a working relationship. … Continue reading Trust – Where Are You?

When Should The Lockdown End? Is That The Question?

  Remember the days when two people could have different opinions and still get along? Now it seems if someone yields a different opinion, the labels of racist, sexist, or some other sort of “ist,” begin to fly. We are a nation divided. In this year of the virus, opinions range from a massive government … Continue reading When Should The Lockdown End? Is That The Question?


On a chilly Sunday morning nearly two thousand years ago, a group of women set out before sunrise to a tomb. They carried with them spices commonly used for embalming. Their leader, their friend, was murdered three days prior. Because of the religious holiday, He was buried quickly without the usual preparation of the body. … Continue reading AN EASTER LIKE NO OTHER

Would You Believe If You Saw A Miracle?

Would you "believe if you saw a miracle? The answer is "no," unless you would have believed God's Word in the first place. Jesus tells the story of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Lazarus hangs around the rich man's house, usually laying by the front gate. The beggar develops sores on his … Continue reading Would You Believe If You Saw A Miracle?

This Guy Isn’t Any Good

While out of town last week, I thought I would get my haircut. The young cosmetologist and I hit it off immediately. Somehow we quickly discovered we had some eating habits in common – neither of us like coffee or eggs. The conversation flowed from there to more personal things like family and her ex. … Continue reading This Guy Isn’t Any Good