The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

Every holiday has two purposes - to remember and to celebrate. It's the remembering that we tend to forget.  Christmas is a day to remember the birth of Christ and celebrate his birth with presents and family dinners. The Fourth of July, a day to remember our nation's birth and our freedom as Americans, is … Continue reading The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

If Ye Love Me

God loves you. Any doubt of that is disproven in the Bible's most famous verse, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God loves you so much that He gave His Son as the sacrificial … Continue reading If Ye Love Me

The Coming Persecution

Prophecy is a popular topic. People seem enthralled by the Biblical accounts of the end times. Whenever there is news of saber-rattling with nations involved in end-time prophecies, my mailbox fills with questions and predictions. Large earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, hurricanes, and other natural events that are Biblical signs of the times also spark increased … Continue reading The Coming Persecution

I Pray The Answer Is Not What I Think It Is.

The technological differences stand out more than anything else when thinking of yesteryear. But let us set technology aside and look at how things have changed. I was a kid in the 1960s and a teenager in the 1970s, so my vantage point comes from that period. The school year ran from Labor Day until … Continue reading I Pray The Answer Is Not What I Think It Is.

Time Flies

I do not know about you, but to me, it seems like 2023 is flying by. It seems like a month or so ago that we were having Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas get-togethers. The first hay cutting is past; local produce stores are offering strawberries and other spring/early summer items. Those of us living in … Continue reading Time Flies

A Different Christmas

This Christmas season, most people are sick and tired of hearing how different, challenging, and unusual this year we call 2020 has been. Therefore, this article will discuss how unusual, challenging, and different Christmas 2020 has been so far. Christmases past - the beautiful years of Norman Rockwell paintings, carolers caroling under every lamppost, snow … Continue reading A Different Christmas