Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God

America In Scripture

Over the years, people have tried to place America in the end-time events of Scripture. It is difficult for many to accept that a nation as powerful as the United States is not a prominent player in the last days; therefore, it must be there.  The reason for the first paragraph is when people see … Continue reading America In Scripture

The Road Of The Loss Of Respect

Have you ever wondered why old habits are hard to break? I reckon the longer we do something, the harder to stop. As an example, you know what they say about riding a bicycle - you learn when you are a kid, and you never forget. Just yesterday, I had a sixty-one-year-old tell me of … Continue reading The Road Of The Loss Of Respect