The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Are we close to Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem? If we are, the events leading up to Christ's kingdom are even closer.  Biblical prophecy tells us before Christ's one-thousand-year reign is the rapture of the church, the rule of the Antichrist, and the seven-year tribulation period. The Bible calls certain events signs of … Continue reading The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Shaky Ground Made Of Thin Ice

Often, on social media, I will read something to the effect, "Bible prophecy is happening right before our eyes." Well, not really. There is a coming day when the Bible will give a play-by-play of worldwide events. During the seven-year tribulation, people will experience hail and fire mingled with blood, resulting in the loss of … Continue reading Shaky Ground Made Of Thin Ice

A Call To Repentance

One of the rules of journalism is not to use old clichés but sometimes I feel like I am barking up the wrong tree, or beating a dead horse. Here we are a new week and another column containing the words, "Another mass shooting." At the risk of sounding redundant, the two quotes that keep … Continue reading A Call To Repentance