Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Christmas is less than two weeks away. December is always a hectic month for us. Life is busy enough, but December adds school and church programs (and the practices associated with each), work parties, family gatherings, church suppers, and gift shopping, among other things. The weather does not cooperate either; it is usually drab and … Continue reading Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Stuff Or Saviour?

Thanksgiving is past, and there is now less than a month until Christmas. At a recent local Thanksgiving parade, a bunch of people in elf costumes walked in the parade. A mother said to her child, "Why all the elves? Christmas isn't about elves. Christmas is all about Santa Claus!" What momma said reminded me … Continue reading Stuff Or Saviour?

Our Heart And Our Stuff

With many people, if they finish the month with $100 in the bank, things are looking up. On the other hand, if the balance dropped below $100,000, other people would consider themselves broke. I belong to the former group. If you want full disclosure, my checkbook balance as I type this is $47.65. It is … Continue reading Our Heart And Our Stuff

The Importance of a Virgin

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Yeah, I know it is still early December, but we should have Christmas cheer all year long. A few years back, we had a family of children visit our church. It was early December. The kids were starting to work on the Christmas play during Sunday School. The Christmas play was the … Continue reading The Importance of a Virgin

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Last Thursday, Indiana experienced an earthquake. I have lived in Indiana for almost forty years, and this is only the second earth shaking I have felt here. Decades ago, I lived in California for three years and experienced multiple quakes, including one measuring 6.1. The shakeup Thursday was only a 3.8, but the epicenter was … Continue reading Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Why The What

Have you ever wondered, "Why Christmas?" The answer seems simple enough, "We have Christmas to celebrate Jesus' birthday." Jesus' birthday is the what, not the why. Jesus' birthday is what we celebrate on Christmas. But why do we celebrate His birth? Going a bit deeper, maybe we should ask why Jesus was born in the … Continue reading Why The What


On a chilly Sunday morning nearly two thousand years ago, a group of women set out before sunrise to a tomb. They carried with them spices commonly used for embalming. Their leader, their friend, was murdered three days prior. Because of the religious holiday, He was buried quickly without the usual preparation of the body. … Continue reading AN EASTER LIKE NO OTHER

Wise Guys And A Toddler

As the calendar pages flip through the passing centuries, the misnomers of Christmas have continued to grow. The misinformation of the first Christmas grew from tradition and experienced a growth spurt during the twentieth century with the increase of media through movies and television. One error, in particular, is seen in nearly every place that … Continue reading Wise Guys And A Toddler

Sitting, Standing, Running, Rising

When reading the events of and surrounding the Crucifixion of Christ, it is interesting to watch how people respond. The self-righteousness of Caiaphas, the High Priest, as he refuses to put the blood money that came from the treasury back into the coffers. Governor Pilate as he struggles with his agonizing question, “What is truth?” … Continue reading Sitting, Standing, Running, Rising