The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Are we close to Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem? If we are, the events leading up to Christ's kingdom are even closer.  Biblical prophecy tells us before Christ's one-thousand-year reign is the rapture of the church, the rule of the Antichrist, and the seven-year tribulation period. The Bible calls certain events signs of … Continue reading The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Does America Have Hope?

History was always one of my favorite subjects in school.  Wars move borders, crush and strengthen ideologies. They are pivotal to human history. Wars occur for various reasons: a power-hungry leader wants more power, a nation is hungry; hence, the decision comes to grab land from a neighbor to grow more food, two leaders are … Continue reading Does America Have Hope?

We Need Revival

The church needs revival. Before shouting, "Amen!" to that comment, "Oh my!" may be more appropriate. "Amen" to the statement about revival is a stamp of approval, yet it implies that everyone else needs fixing. The "Oh my" indicates that the hearer understands they are also part of the problem. The church and possibly every … Continue reading We Need Revival