The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

Every holiday has two purposes - to remember and to celebrate. It's the remembering that we tend to forget.  Christmas is a day to remember the birth of Christ and celebrate his birth with presents and family dinners. The Fourth of July, a day to remember our nation's birth and our freedom as Americans, is … Continue reading The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Christmas is less than two weeks away. December is always a hectic month for us. Life is busy enough, but December adds school and church programs (and the practices associated with each), work parties, family gatherings, church suppers, and gift shopping, among other things. The weather does not cooperate either; it is usually drab and … Continue reading Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Easter The Holiday

Easter has always been an intriguing holiday for me. Not what the holiday is about; the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but how people celebrate the day. By saying how people celebrate the day, I am not talking about bunnies and eggs; I am referring to how some will give the day reverence, yet ignore its … Continue reading Easter The Holiday