Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Seeking A Church Home

Loyalty is one of my attributes. I am loyal to my God, family, church, country, and employer. The list goes on, but those are the main things. You may have noticed that God and church are listed separately. That is because they are not one and the same - the church is not my God, … Continue reading Seeking A Church Home

Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Christmas is less than two weeks away. December is always a hectic month for us. Life is busy enough, but December adds school and church programs (and the practices associated with each), work parties, family gatherings, church suppers, and gift shopping, among other things. The weather does not cooperate either; it is usually drab and … Continue reading Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Faith and Truth

Eternal salvation comes through faith, by grace. Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." The Bible explains that everyone is a sinner, and the washing away of sin can only happen by the … Continue reading Faith and Truth

The End Never Comes

Last week Preacher's Point ended with the battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. Most people believe Armageddon is the end of the world, but that is not the case. This universe we now live in will melt with fervent heat a little more than a thousand years after Armageddon (2 Peter 3:10-13). … Continue reading The End Never Comes

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Last Thursday, Indiana experienced an earthquake. I have lived in Indiana for almost forty years, and this is only the second earth shaking I have felt here. Decades ago, I lived in California for three years and experienced multiple quakes, including one measuring 6.1. The shakeup Thursday was only a 3.8, but the epicenter was … Continue reading Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Unanswered Prayer

I have friends that believe God will answer any prayer of faith asked of Him in the affirmative. My initial response to that is, "Take a look at the graveyard." How many people in those tombs died while someone was praying for their healing? Our Christian terminology also plays a role in how we look … Continue reading Unanswered Prayer

Our Own Eyes

Everyone tends to see life through their own eyes.  When a baby is born in America, many hospitals, usually though nonprofit organizations, send the baby home with a "care package" of diapers, baby oil, wipes, and the like. Some even provide expensive items like car seats. In Israel, all newborn babies are sent home with … Continue reading Our Own Eyes

What Has God Done With The Law?

The law, you know the ten commandments and the seemingly endless list of dos and don'ts that people think appear throughout the Bible. What has God done with the law? Handling of the law varies from church to church, and person to person. Some churches regulate nearly every aspect of someone's life, while others seem … Continue reading What Has God Done With The Law?