Suit Up

Many Christians seem spiritually wounded. They want to do better in their Christian life, but for one reason or another, they believe they cannot. A wounded soldier on the battlefield, unable to fight back or reach their weapon, would be a physical example of this spiritual truth. Just as in physical warfare, in spiritual warfare, … Continue reading Suit Up

Faith and Truth

Eternal salvation comes through faith, by grace. Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." The Bible explains that everyone is a sinner, and the washing away of sin can only happen by the … Continue reading Faith and Truth

Feelings VS Faith

Christian, what guides you, your feelings or your beliefs? Christians have told me, "What a Spirit-filled service we had Sunday! I could just feel the Spirit move!" I ask, "Was your faith increased?" Blank stares are the standard response. People will talk to me about a situation in their lives. More often than not, the … Continue reading Feelings VS Faith

God Is Not In The Repair Business

As a child, once a year, we would visit my aunt. In a prominent place in her living room was a vase. The vase had roses painted on it. It also had two cracks running up the side. Every visit, she would warm me to be careful. My cousin broke it years ago, my aunt … Continue reading God Is Not In The Repair Business

What Has God Done With The Law?

The law, you know the ten commandments and the seemingly endless list of dos and don'ts that people think appear throughout the Bible. What has God done with the law? Handling of the law varies from church to church, and person to person. Some churches regulate nearly every aspect of someone's life, while others seem … Continue reading What Has God Done With The Law?

Love the sinner; hate the sin

They happened in homes across the land, some have even occurred in restaurants, workplaces, and other places of business. They are called interventions. During an intervention, friends, family and loved ones will gather to talk to someone about how they are ruining their life and possibly the lives of those around them. The group will … Continue reading Love the sinner; hate the sin