Shaky Ground Made Of Thin Ice

Often, on social media, I will read something to the effect, "Bible prophecy is happening right before our eyes." Well, not really. There is a coming day when the Bible will give a play-by-play of worldwide events. During the seven-year tribulation, people will experience hail and fire mingled with blood, resulting in the loss of … Continue reading Shaky Ground Made Of Thin Ice

Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Christmas is less than two weeks away. December is always a hectic month for us. Life is busy enough, but December adds school and church programs (and the practices associated with each), work parties, family gatherings, church suppers, and gift shopping, among other things. The weather does not cooperate either; it is usually drab and … Continue reading Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Suit Up

Many Christians seem spiritually wounded. They want to do better in their Christian life, but for one reason or another, they believe they cannot. A wounded soldier on the battlefield, unable to fight back or reach their weapon, would be a physical example of this spiritual truth. Just as in physical warfare, in spiritual warfare, … Continue reading Suit Up