
Each one of us has individuals that influence our life. Parents are high on many people's list of those making a difference in their lives. After all, without our mom and dad, we would not exist. Teachers are also high as influencers in people's lives. Thinking back to my school-age years, there are teachers I … Continue reading Influence

Why All The Shootings?

In the last couple of weeks, I have seen photos of children in the 1950s taking marksmanship courses in school. Most of these pictures are of high school-age kids; however, one image was of elementary school-age children handling weapons in the classroom during a "gun safety class." Another post was about a local elderly man … Continue reading Why All The Shootings?

The Founding Fathers And America Today

Throughout generations, things change. For example, some of the social graces practically no longer exist, such as standing when a woman enters a room or a man removing headgear while inside. Just two small examples of change over the years. During the recent Fourth of July celebrations, a thought came to mind - what would … Continue reading The Founding Fathers And America Today

America In Scripture

Over the years, people have tried to place America in the end-time events of Scripture. It is difficult for many to accept that a nation as powerful as the United States is not a prominent player in the last days; therefore, it must be there.  The reason for the first paragraph is when people see … Continue reading America In Scripture

There Comes A Point

God is love (1 John 4:8), but God is also "a consuming fire" (Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:29). Both aspects, love and consuming fire, are seen in the book of Jeremiah. Israel had forsaken God and fallen into sin. The Israelites were so far into sin; they were no longer embarrassed by anything anymore (Jeremiah 6:15; … Continue reading There Comes A Point

Destruction Of The Foundations

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3. When I see this verse, the first thought that comes to mind is, "What are the foundations?" My second thought is, "What about America?" One needs to go no further than the Declaration of Independence to get a list of American foundations. … Continue reading Destruction Of The Foundations

Division and Fear

What does the Bible say about those in authority? All authority, from a fifteen-year-old babysitter to the leaders of nations, comes from God (Romans 13:1). However, this God-given authority does not give people in authority the right to exercise absolute rule. Leaders and those in power are "the minister of God, a revenger to execute … Continue reading Division and Fear

If the foundations be destroyed

Back in my younger days, I took a real estate course. Seeing that I have never bought or sold a piece of land, or become a landlord, the course was probably a waste of time and money. However, there are a few things I remember, one being the instructor told us, “If the foundation and … Continue reading If the foundations be destroyed