How Close Are We?

I came to Christ at age fifteen, and God called me to preach at sixteen. From the get-go, I was fascinated by prophecy. When I was younger, I desired (and thought the odds were good) that I would live to see the rapture. However, as time passed, I began to think that maybe the rapture … Continue reading How Close Are We?

Suit Up

Many Christians seem spiritually wounded. They want to do better in their Christian life, but for one reason or another, they believe they cannot. A wounded soldier on the battlefield, unable to fight back or reach their weapon, would be a physical example of this spiritual truth. Just as in physical warfare, in spiritual warfare, … Continue reading Suit Up

Two Wars Are Coming

After last week's Preacher's Point describing the battle of Psalm 83, questions came in about the invasion of Israel in Ezekiel chapter 38. Most correspondence mentioned that they had never heard of the Psalm 83 battle. Prophecy teachers often bring up the Ezekiel invasion in their lectures, sermons, and books. However, any Bible teacher mentioning … Continue reading Two Wars Are Coming

Israel At War

Saturday morning, it was too early to get out of bed, I rolled over. While lying there, something inside me (the Holy Spirit) kept telling me to get up and look at the news. Within minutes, I was watching Benjamin Netanyahu declaring war on Hamas. I watched i24 (an Israeli 24-hour news station) throughout the … Continue reading Israel At War

Judgment Is Coming

Jeremiah 30:7 calls it "the time of Jacob's trouble." The prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 causes us to use the term "Daniel's 70th week." It is called "the day of the Lord" thirty-one times in twenty-nine verses throughout the Bible. It will be the most horrific time in history (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1; Joel 2:2). The … Continue reading Judgment Is Coming

Are We Closer Than We Think?

Things developing in Israel over the last few weeks and especially on Easter must make one wonder if the end time events prophesied in the Bible will take the world by surprise very soon. The Times of Israel posted headlines throughout the day on Easter Sunday. The times listed are Israeli local times. 1:07 am … Continue reading Are We Closer Than We Think?

The State Of The Union

The state of America can be a short speech. One sentence will do - "The country is a mess." Our problems include inflation, abortion, crime, mass shootings, health care, Chinese spy balloons, a general lack of trust, wildfires, hurricanes, the supply chain, an ever-increasing national debt, and the list goes on. Now that several problems … Continue reading The State Of The Union

The Tribulation (Part II)

Two weeks ago, we started looking at future events according to Biblical prophecy. Last week, the main topic was the coming Tribulation Period. We made it through the fifth trumpet. There are twenty-one judgments divided into three sections - seals, trumpets, and vials. This week we will start with the sixth trumpet. The sixth trumpet … Continue reading The Tribulation (Part II)

The Tribulation (Part I)

Last week's Preacher's Point talked of Biblical prophecies yet fulfilled. Space only allowed us to reach the start of the Tribulation Period. This seven-year period is the topic of this week's column. The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist signs a covenant with many nations concerning the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people (Daniel 9:27).  … Continue reading The Tribulation (Part I)

The Signs

Two weeks ago, this column pointed out that the Bible compares the signs of Christ's return to a woman in labor. Contractions start mild with a reasonable amount of time in between but gradually increase in intensity and frequency. This week we will venture into what the signs are. To list all the signs of … Continue reading The Signs