The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

Every holiday has two purposes - to remember and to celebrate. It's the remembering that we tend to forget.  Christmas is a day to remember the birth of Christ and celebrate his birth with presents and family dinners. The Fourth of July, a day to remember our nation's birth and our freedom as Americans, is … Continue reading The I, Thee, And Them Of Christian Memory

Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

Christmas is less than two weeks away. December is always a hectic month for us. Life is busy enough, but December adds school and church programs (and the practices associated with each), work parties, family gatherings, church suppers, and gift shopping, among other things. The weather does not cooperate either; it is usually drab and … Continue reading Please, Think About Christmas for a Minute

When Will The Water Break?

One thing that has always surprised me is how many Christians are surprised by world events. For example, the current nuclear threat by the Russians has brought a lot of questions about Armageddon, especially if we will see the battle of Armageddon in the next few months. The answer is no. We do not know … Continue reading When Will The Water Break?

Our Own Eyes

Everyone tends to see life through their own eyes.  When a baby is born in America, many hospitals, usually though nonprofit organizations, send the baby home with a "care package" of diapers, baby oil, wipes, and the like. Some even provide expensive items like car seats. In Israel, all newborn babies are sent home with … Continue reading Our Own Eyes

Signs All Around Us

The Apostles asked Jesus, "Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world" (Matthew 24:3)? The Bible, and the New Testament, in particular, are filled with signs for the second coming. Think of prophetic signs this way - they are like clouds. Clouds … Continue reading Signs All Around Us

Circumcision of the heart

Slightly over three-fourths of boys born in the United States are circumcised as newborns. While circumcision is not a life-saving surgery, circumcision of the heart will change lives. Before you start thinking there is some new medical procedure for the physical organ we call the heart, please understand, the heart I am writing about is … Continue reading Circumcision of the heart