The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Are we close to Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem? If we are, the events leading up to Christ's kingdom are even closer.  Biblical prophecy tells us before Christ's one-thousand-year reign is the rapture of the church, the rule of the Antichrist, and the seven-year tribulation period. The Bible calls certain events signs of … Continue reading The Warning And Blessing Of Psalm 2

Visual Signs A Person Loves God

Can people see that you are a Christian? If you have a cross necklace and a T-shirt that reads, "Jesus loves you!" you might think you are doing pretty well in letting people know you are a Christian. You may have had a cross tattooed onto your forearm. Surely, a permanent mark on your skin … Continue reading Visual Signs A Person Loves God


“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” - Matthew 5:5. Often people will confuse being meek with being timid. Someone who looks down at their feet while speaking barely above a whisper appears to be meek when in actuality that is timidness. Jesus is, without a doubt, the main character of the … Continue reading MEEKNESS